Unequal / Crooked Leg and Height Extension Treatment
Uneven height problems in the legs or crooked legs are orthopedic problems that can be treated with the Ilizarov method. It can be equated with shortening the long leg or lengthening the short leg with the Ilizarov method. On the other hand, treatments for curvature, shortness or soft tissue loss that occur as a result of a union in bone fractures can also be performed. In the Ilizarov method, the bones are fixed with hoops and thin wires, and controlled movement is provided to the bone parts thanks to the added hinges and rods. Bone inequalities that develop after problems such as bone loss, congenital diseases and premature closure of growth cartilage can be treated in both children and adults. With the Ilizarov method, a low-energy fracture is actually created in the bone and 1 mm elongation is achieved per day. Elongation is achieved up to 80% of the bone's own length in the desired area.