Neck Hernia
Similar mechanisms and problems in lumbar hernia also come into question for the neck area. Wearing of the discs between the neck vertebrae can cause herniation towards the spinal canal over time, and it can also cause serious pressure on the nerves that go from the spinal cord and neck to the arms. For this reason, problems such as neck pain, frequent stiffness, dizziness and short-term blackout attacks, pain in the arm, numbness, tingling, loss of strength and clumsiness in the hands are encountered. Since the spinal cord passing through the neck region is a control line that goes to the whole body, spinal cord compressions can also manifest as further problems such as loss of strength in the arms and legs, balance disorders, walking difficulties, urinary incontinence. In cases where surgery is not required, drug therapy, protective measures, weight control, neck exercises, neck brace and physical therapy programs have an important place. In cases where the hernia is advanced enough to require surgery, microsurgery and other techniques are applied easily and safely, and patients see permanent benefits. Likewise, patients are able to walk on the day of surgery and are discharged the next day. After three weeks of rest and protective measures, they can return to their regular lives.