The vagina is a structure made up of connective tissue and muscle tissue. The main component of connective tissue is collagen. As a result of reasons such as advancing age, vaginal births, pregnancy, abortion and similar interventions, this connective and muscle tissue may be affected and the vagina may expand. The most common reason for enlargement is vaginal delivery. Particularly difficult deliveries can cause tears in the muscle and connective tissue of the vagina, causing permanent enlargement of the vagina. On the other hand, an enlargement may occur in the vagina of the person after a vaginal delivery is planned and labor is started, but the baby cannot descend to the pelvic roof, and a cesarean section is required. Although we say that the most common reason for vaginal enlargement is previous deliveries, sometimes complaints related to vaginal enlargement can be seen in women who have never given birth or even become pregnant. The connective tissue structures of these women are genetically weak and as a result, the elasticity of the connective tissue of the vagina is high. During sexual intercourse, this situation can cause a feeling of loosening and relaxation in the vagina with the effect of getting wet. As a result of vaginal enlargement, the sexual life of the person is adversely affected, the frequency of vaginal infections increases and complaints such as vaginal flatulence are seen.